Friday, July 25, 2008

Just the lizard that lives in my car


Debra said...

Elisa, So glad you visited, and YOUR blog is great too! The photos are wonderful! I love the black and whites of Kitty cat. the lizards are fascinating. We sure don't have them here. I left a comment on my blog about your mom's blog, but I want to search and see ho to get her's more noticable. The art work is so baeutiful, and I feel it's important for it to be seen. You shoould tell us readers about what you do. I'd love to hear about your work, and where you live, etc. No, ducks DO NOT like apples! Bread or crackers, yes. I don't know why! I'm putting your blog on my blogroll. Thanks for the comment. Wish I could speak Portugese! God bless you! Debra

Debra said...

Sorry about all the spelling mistakes! Debra

Me said...

Thanks for visiting me and for the support to my mother's blog.
I'm been visiting your blog in the daily bases (and visiting your favorite blogs too, little bit at the time because they are so many but all very good). I do have her blog in the searching engines and I will research too for find ways to advertised.
Again thank you so much, you are wonderful.


Debra said...

Elisa, I love your blog too. The photos are wonderful. I never thought I'd love taking pictures so much.
