1/2 cup of Espresso Coffee (not too strong)
Whipped Cream the real heavy one (Chantilly)
Make a espresso coffee

Put sugar in a tea size cup (never use a coffee mug)
Put less sugar than usually you will use for a black coffee

Add the espresso coffee

and finally add the whipped Cream

Find a nice spot to seat, call your best friend and enjoy your coffee.
Melhor que isso so' a batata que eu comia com a Silvia depois do trabalho. So' para matar a saudade.
Bacon com Requeijao
Pao de batata com requeijao
hey, thanks for your comment! I'm glad you're reading :) Also, that coffee looks really really good.
I've got to get some coffee! Right now!!!
Love, Debra
I left a comment on my blog for you, but I'm fine, and thanks for asking!
Just taking a blog break-which is not normal for me, I know!
Love, Debra
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